reclining "nakedness" in clay
Recipe: Take one Lhote painting (see previous post) and somehow turn it into a 3 dimensional object. Ooops, I better not use the word object in the same context as a reclining nude. No, this is a fully actualised woman, revealed to herself.
I let her dry for a few days and come back ready to adjust the shape. I decide even though she is still quite malleable to hollow her out using pin hole surgery... taking a strip of clay along the leg and then removing. Once hollowed, I add back the missing strip. I put in the deep caverns of calf lines as shown in the Lhote picture. I get down on the floor and get into the pose, feeling where my stomach muscles pull. Now my back is full of clay dust!
I also turn her gently and hollow from the back trying not to squash the detail. Hmmm, no such luck, but easily fixed. Now I let her dry again for another week. I am back smoothing, putting in the toe details, realising that the foot resting on the floor is not quite right - building up the heel and that wonderful curve. As I do so I realise how beautiful feet are when in stretched poses. I love the ways the toes hug the knees, crimping over. I emphasise with a turning tool the lines and the form. I start dreaming about feet and their possibilities. (more on that later)

Oh yeah, after hollowing out, I have recovered about 1.5 bags of clay which I pummelt together and wedge up ready to be made into coils for my next piece.
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